“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
a bright 24 year old is feeling overwhelmed by her job as a financial analyst in a leading financial services company. She works through volumes of equity data, staring into multiple screens for upto 12 hours a day, sometimes more, five days a week. Often Saturdays is committed to clearing backlog and readying for Monday.
While being satisfied with her learning over the last 4 years, something of late just does not seem to be going right! Long hours, work stress, repetitive tasks, junk food and no time to do the other things she is passionate about has made her obese and depressed. Tormented by the thoughts of falling short of expectations due to unbridled competition in the team, she has forgotten to smile and live normally. Of late, her friends have been complaining about her ‘always being tired ’and not the fun person she used to be!
Anu left a flourishing corporate career in a senior management role, to have her baby. After joining the MNC as a graduate-trainee, she chose to secure her career first and then have a baby in her mid-30s. Diagnosed with a difficult pregnancy, Anu felt the need to focus on her health rather than juggle the many projects at work. Now, having enjoyed her baby’s precious infancy and seeing 3-year old Tara off to preschool, she feels a compelling urge to start working again. She does miss the financial independence, social bonds and growth that came with her earlier employment! Her heart is into being an independent business woman, leading a balanced life. No more 10 and 12 hour grind for her!
Her husband is hugely supportive but she has no clue where to start, how to seek help and what could buoy her as a returning mother? Distressed by guilt and thoughts of failure, she frets on how alone and useless she is, making her anxious and vulnerable.
Often women have been credited with changing their homes and changing the world, however it is not uncommon for women who have been through any major life event or are bogged down by doing what they have-to do or just want to be free to try something else; to seek motivation, support and encouragement from outside. Sometimes, a non-judging, listening ear is all they need.
Both Maya and Anu want what we all want, don’t they?
To have a happy, healthy, wealthy and meaningful life.
A life of all-round wellness, financial independence and flexibility to do what they would enjoy doing. After all, the say life is short, why not make it sweet?
While the modern business industry is consciously acknowledging that women are a definite force to reckon with, there still exists a huge gender gap at work. A study by yougov states that “52% of women could have a huge impact on economy if these many women start their businesses. They can help unlock 15.5 million new businesses and 64 million new jobs (by end of 2021.)”
It is interesting to note that the study found the top challenges as to why they don’t start on their own as
Family responsibilities or commitments
Worries over financial security
Not knowing where to start
Lack of access to finance

Source Credit: Economic Times, Facebook
‘What Women Want’ to be a successful entrepreneur has also been surveyed, the emerging needs such as advice on finance, how to attract customers and network support which focus on their learnability and empowerment.
Could fulfilling these must-have’s propel the gigantic pool of talent into doing what they want to do?
Our new initiative offers these very enablers to help you get started on your new life and money journey.
Can women really have it all?
If you have 1-5 years’ experience in any of the financial markets/ investments/ advisory domain and are keen to explore how to branch off on your own while being fully supported in what you need, or someone more tenured and returning to work or seeking an alternate career, please read about the iconic Sheryl Garrett and the Garrett Planning Network’s plans in India, a collaborative venture with Life & Money.
If Maya’s and Anu’s stories felt like yours, or you are a woman who wants to live a happy, meaningful life that is filled with health, wealth and fulfilling your vision, please see our brochure here to know more about us.