This is a strange and scary time for all of us. Many of us will be working from home for the first time. Others, such as the retired or elderly, are also having to practice the new art of social distancing for the first time. Whether you are part of a family or live alone, the strains are going to be enormous on us all.
Working from home sounds like a luxury, but it comes with a number of challenges. What if you have connectivity issues with coworkers? What if you need something from your office that you don’t have access to? What if you are bombarded with other in-home distractions like pets, family members and electronics?
Getting your work done is important for businesses, but staying healthy (mentally and physically) is just as crucial for at-home workers. It’s all about creating boundaries between work and personal life, and that can be a difficult adjustment.
Here are some tips which can make your Work From Home Productive & On-Point during the Quarantine Period!

1. Maintain Regular Hours
Set a schedule and stick to it. Work designated hours, and then stop when those hours are up. While working remotely does mean that there is added flexibility with your personal life schedule, it’s best to stick to a schedule where you can be productive, get your work done and call it a day when work hours are up.

2. Create a Morning Routine
Humans are creatures of habit and that’s partly because routine helps us mentally and physically prepare for things. Whether it’s having a cup of coffee every morning, doing some morning stretches or taking your dog on a walk, creating a morning routine can greatly help you get ready for the workday at home.

3. Give importance to Breaks
Just like any working environment, giving yourself breaks is incredibly important to let your brain and body relax. Take a 15-minute walk, go make some lunch or catch up with a loved one on the phone whatever you do, though, do not work yourself to the bone without letting yourself take a break away from screens, meetings and work.

4. Socialize with Colleagues
Of course, if you are sick or trying to stay healthy in the wake of something like the coronavirus, socializing in-person with others might be the best idea. But in general, if you are working from home, socializing is important. (Especially Via Video Calls & Voice Calls)
Working from home can be a blessing, but it can also come with challenges. While telecommuting requires some adjustments in habits and routines, it’s important that employees of all kinds work to understand how to live, and work, healthily both from the office and from the home.
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