What are your Life Goals?

In my last post, I wrote on motivations in our lives. Specifically, is it extrinsic or intrinsic motivation that drives us. Today’s blog post is inspired by the two questions that we constantly ask ourselves,  a. ‘What is life’ b. ‘ What is it we want out of our...

‘Knot’ty days ahead

One of the major changes in a girl’s life is marriage. Starting from changing your home to the people you live with, to changes in lifestyle, food habits and daily routine! At times it’s also a new language or new cultural & religious habits. Add to that moving to...

To buy or not to buy

For many of us who have just been launched into the working lives immediately after graduation, answering to societal pressure is not what we look forward to. Does spending a lot of money bring in more happiness? Is bragging about a large swanky place in the city...
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