The Life and Money Conversations Blog
Women Financial Advancement Network Presents The Life and Money Conversations Blog. The blogs are focused on conversations around Life and Money.
Addressing your money emotions
By Lisa Pallavi Barbora
When the emotions you have around money become a limiting force, that stop you from achieving your potential best in life, it’s probably a point when you need help with your money life.
Balancing your wants and needs
By Lisa Pallavi Barbora
Wants and needs. The debate is not that one should not have any wants, but that how do we balance our wants and needs. These are simple words, wants and needs. However…
Asset allocation and diversification; too much jargon?
Asset allocation sounds like a complicated, technical financial term. The...
How can you motivate yourself to be aware?
By Lisa Pallavi Barbora
With the overexposure to information and content, it’s a wonder that we often shun the important stuff and get hooked only onto content that requires little mental engagement.
Do you have what it takes to invest in equity?
The market benchmark is kissing its all-time high. This means, if you are an...
You can protect your family too
By Lisa Pallavi Barbora
When you hear about protection, you should think of the term insurance. Insurance helps you cover any contingency expenses or risks which can otherwise deplete or savings pile significantly.
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Before we meet again
You are here because you are ready to commit to building a lifelong partnership with money. However, if you are still on the fence, we would hate to have you leave empty-handed.
Here is a small gift for you. Gain clarity and purpose to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. We welcome you into the WFAN family.
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